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Balancing yourself can become a problem, especially when you enter the senior phase. So, try out some balance exercises for seniors, and have less…
At 109 years old, Vincent Dransfield still zips around town in his car every day, buying lunch, running errands and shopping for groceries.
Most seniors want to stay right where they are, in a house they know, with their stuff, and with neighbors they may have known for decades. But the…
See the full, original article here!
A great article from MSNBC’s contributor, Dr. Howard Tucker!
When I was born in 1922, the average life…
At 100, an age when most people need to rest their body, Shirley Goodman would rather do the Tush Push.
She’s known as “The Dancing Nana” on…
More than 800,000 seniors – recently including Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell – are hospitalized from falls and related injuries each…
Centenarian Ruth Sweedler has impressive recall and can make good conversation about what’s going on in the world. Over the years, strangers and…
Aging in place isn’t just a matter of deciding to stay put: You also need to make sure the space you’re staying in is safe and accessible.
Devoting just 11 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day would be sufficient to lower the risk of diseases such as heart disease,…
Hospice care is a type of health care that patients with terminally ill conditions rely on at the end of their lives. This type of care focuses on…