Tips and tricks – good oral care for the elderly
Age like fine wine and smile like sunshine! Dental care for seniors is as vital as at a young age. In fact, the teeth and gums of the elderly need extra care to help combat the natural signs of aging.
Geriatric dentistry, a special dental science area, is committed to maintaining and restoring seniors’ good oral health. Take a moment today as we discuss how to take care of the dental health of seniors like a pro!
Dental Conditions Specific to the Elderly and Their Treatments Age comes with tissue and bone degradation. Extra precautions and preventive measures are necessary to fight tooth issues in old age.
Here is a list of the common ‘old-age’ dental problems and the tips and tricks to solve them.
Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a prevalent issue in the elderly, arising from minor issues like medicine schedules, radiation therapy (particularly in cancer patients), or simply the shrinking of the salivary glands. The dry mouth is a haven for bacteria growth, leading to cavities and gum infections.
Here’s How You Can Take Care
Drink sufficient water, however, be cautious not to overburden the aging kidneys with water load too! Sucking on vitamin C tablets or consuming citrus foods in your diet (in moderation) also helps in the saliva flow. Show the dentist periodically to stay abreast of any upcoming dental issues.
Missing Teeth
Cavities, root decay, fractures, etc. can lead to tooth loss in senior citizens. Missing teeth and spaces in between teeth make it difficult to chew food properly. This eventually leads to improper nutrition and gut issues.
Here’s how you can tackle it:
Regular dental check-ups can treat cavities, perform root canal treatment (RCT), and rehabilitate broken teeth with dental crowns and bridges. Dentists may also advise wearing dentures to replace missing teeth Dental implants, implant crowns, and bridges are also options that offer tooth replacements