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Benefits of In-Home Care

California CareGivers works with families to fulfill loved ones’ wishes to live at home. Our highly trained and experienced caregivers work hard to maintain that all-important, familiar, independent living environment in the comfort of your home.

Our company provides the type of direct, compassionate supervision that will keep you safe and content throughout your tenure of care. We have the capabilities to see to almost any in-home care request.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

Due to the progressive nature of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, it is essential to building a local support system, which may consist of hiring an in-home caregiver. We offer affordable and convenient services to bring comfort to you or a loved one.

Our skilled and compassionate staff has been screened and is available to assist with meal planning, bathing, and basic personal hygiene assistance, as well as medication and appointment reminders. We are here to lighten the load.

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Take Advantage of These Services & More

California CareGivers is dedicated to preserving your dignity and independence in the comfort of your home. Our mission is to provide compassionate Alzheimer’s and Dementia care, as well as quality personal assistance. We are committed to offering families a superior in-home care experience through needed aid and support. Our priority is you and your family, and we will communicate honestly, patiently, and with the utmost compassion.

happy older woman outside

Hospice & Respite Care

Our in-home hospice and respite care is second to none and can provide the personal and peaceful comfort of being at home in familiar surroundings. Our caregivers understand the journey towards the end-of-life, and are available for hospice care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Attending to a loved one can be difficult to manage, and family and friends in this role can need a break. We offer respite care for just this reason. Our exceptional staff is available to work anywhere from four hours a week to 24-hour care every day.

If you or a loved one requires compassionate convalescent care or an ongoing presence, California CareGivers will partner with you to maintain your environment and lifestyle. We will work with you, as a team, to provide what is needed—always.

older man with glasses on phone

Medication Call Reminders

Our unique service provides peace of mind and promotes the safety and well-being of those you love. We gently remind individuals to take required medications up to 5 times per day to stay on track and maintain their health. Arrange to receive free notification and confirmation of medication intakes. Access detailed records of medication usage.

California CareGivers’ Home Wellness and Safety Checks ensure your loved one is safe and secure. It notifies you immediately if there is a problem with our rapid-response system.

All plans are easy to set up and administer Online!

Medication call reminder

Here’s What Our Clients Are Saying